Monday, March 31, 2008

Checking in

Damn, I was really hoping to post more frequently. Where has March gone? Some house painting, furniture moving (because of said house painting), cabinet buying and installing, Easter weekend (that's the Easter table setting above) and more.....Now I'm just wrapping up a course- final project is due on Thursday- and then I'm free until September. As free as I can be, anyways- what with all my self-imposed commitments and all.

Stay tuned for my kid's new room, our office renovation, some new recipes and, if the snow ever melts, my garden...this year we're ripping out last year's patio plantings and starting fresh. And building a fountain. And adding other stuff until I love it. I'm like that, don'tcha know...

1 comment:

LittlePaintedPolkaDots said...

What a pretty pic. It's so peaceful.