Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Feeling a bit melancholy and a bit manic (hence the cooking and late night posting) these days, as my mom approaches her first chemo session. Tomorrow is the day :( We're all a bit scared and sad and mad that we're going through this once's only been 5 years since we did it with my Dad. A bag of mixed emotions, that's me. My Mom is awesome, and brave, and strong, and while I hate to see her go through this, I know it's the only choice she has. I, we, need her around for a long time to come. There are grandchildrens' weddings to attend, I've told her, so she'd better make it through! She just laughs and shakes her head. One step at a time I guess. We will make it through somehow- many others have and so will we. By the first week of December, the chemo will be over, and the healing can, hopefully, begin.

Tomorrow morning, we'll go to the hospital and she'll have a pic line put in, and a couple of hours later the first chemo treatment will start. Lots of sitting and waiting I suppose. That's okay- lots of time to catch up and chat....something there has been precious little of these past few months. Hopefully the side effects will not be too dreadful- we're hoping for the best, but truthfully, planning for the worst. So, my friends, start directing good energy, big prayers, whatever your thing is....our way.


Anonymous said...

I'm beaming all I have your way friend. Hang in there.

Berlinswhimsy said...

I, too, am sending positive thoughts and energy your way...

BEATRICE said...

Thank you both for all the positive's nice to know someone is listening to all my rambling :)